Friday 28 June 2019

Diet With Eggs And Grapefruit – Lose 20 Pounds For 7 days

This diet is becoming more actual because with this diet are burning fats and is reducing a lot of weight within a few days. Realistically you can lose weight up to 20 pounds in just 7 days!

Why to choose this diet ?

Grapefruit belongs to the group of foods that burn fats . In other words grapefruit has nutrients that break down and remove fat from the body.

Grapefruit also improves metabolism and stimulates digestion.

Egg especially whites have a lot of proteins . When you combine these two foods the efficiency of weakening  is assumed to increase multifold.

Diet with eggs and grapefruit is pretty strict , so it is not recommended for people with serious health problems !

Basic principles of the diet

This diet can last up to 7 days! I recommend only 3-4, because it will give you good results, and the body will not starve.


Eat 5 grapefruit daily combining with 5-9 egg whites. In the ideal case there should be 10 serving per day ½ grapefruit and an egg white on every hour.

Make sure you drink plenty of water and have to stay moderately active, for example by walking 45 minutes every day.

As you can see this diet excludes 100% of fat from nutrition. Contains only protein and simple sugars from grapefruit, so results are guaranteed.

My advice is to drink a cup of green tea on morning  without sugar, and before you go to bed, drink another cup of tea, to clean the body of toxins and to use the benefits of green tea, especially powerful antioxidant and effect for reducing weight.

10 Best Uses For Listerine That Every Woman Should Know!

Listerine is one of the most popular types of mouthwash worldwide, and despite the benefits, it offers for the health of the oral cavity, it can apparently replace numerous other products we use daily.

After reading this, Listerine will be always present in your medicine cabinet!

Here are 10 amazing alternative ways to use Listerine:

Clean the bathroom

Mix some Listerine and water and use the combination to clean the bathroom. You can wipe the sinks, mirrors, floor, and cabinets.

Clean The Toilet

Pour a bit of Listerine on the toilet brush and scrub the bowl to clean it and leave a fresh smell!

Clean cuts and scrapes

Listerine has powerful anti-bacterial properties that will help you clean cuts and scrapes and prevent infections.

Soothe Itchiness

Dab some Listerine on a cotton ball and apply it on areas affected by a poison ivy rash or insect bites to soothe the itchiness.

Soothe a toothache

Dab some Listerine on the painful tooth to numb the area and alleviate a toothache.

Fight underarm odor

Pour a bit of it on a cotton ball and rub it over the armpits to fight the unpleasant odor.

Clean the toothbrush

Listerine can destroy the germs in the mouth and on the toothbrush. Just soak it in some Listerine, and it will be completely clean!

Foot Soak

Add some Listerine to warm water, and soak the feet for half an hour to fight toenail fungus and stubborn infections.

Treat  Blisters

Apply Listerine to blisters to prevent infection, since it has potent antiseptic properties.

Eliminate Dandruff

Dandruff can be a very annoying and stubborn issue, that is not easy to treat. However, Listerine can be of great help here too. Just massage some of this mouthwash on the scalp, and then wrap the hair in a towel. Leave to act for several minutes, and rinse, to eliminate dandruff.

Remove A Tick

Ticks can be a big problem in the summer, and Listerine can help.

Fold up a paper towel, soak it in Listerine, and then place it onto the tick. This will remove it in seconds!

Therefore, start using Listerine in all these ways, and you will get an effective and inexpensive multi-purpose agent that offers amazing effects!

Cardiologist Suggests 5-Day Diet: A Safe Way To Lose 15 Pounds

Diet plays a huge role in the lifestyle we are living. People who are overweight and obese have higher chances of getting other health issues such as gallbladder disease, disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease, or some types of cancer.

When you start to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight, you will significantly lower the risks of developing some disease.

The diet you are going to find in this article was made by a cardiologist from Europe. This diet is full with protein which mainly comes from eggs. Therefore, it is recommended that you buy only organic eggs, as well as organic fruits and veggies.

The diet is very simple and easy to follow. You will eat the same breakfast every day, which is one piece of any fruit (except bananas or grapes because they contain a lot of sugar). If you eat berries, a handful is the amount you will need to consume.

5-Day Diet

1st Day
Lunch: 1 orange, 1 cup of yogurt, 1 hard-boiled egg
Dinner: 2 pieces of toast, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes, 1 bowl of lettuce or ½ a cucumber

2nd Day
Lunch: 1 orange, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 cup of yogurt
Dinner: 1 orange, 1 piece of toast, 125g cooked red meat, 1 cup of coffee/tea (sugar-free)

3rd Day
Lunch: 1 orange, 1 cucumber, 1 hard-boiled egg
Dinner: 1 orange, 125g cooked red meat, 1 piece of toast, 1 cup of coffee/tea (sugar-free)

4th Day
Lunch: 1 orange, 1 piece of toast, 125g of cottage cheese
Dinner: the same as the 3rd day

5th Day
Lunch: 1 piece of toast, 1 tomato, 200g cooked fish or meat
Dinner: ½ pound of cooked potatoes, carrots, and peas

It is recommended that you follow the five day menu and then take a rest for two days. After that, you should start the diet from the beginning.

When you cook the veggies, you shouldn’t add salt. Also, you should eliminate alcohol from your diet completely. If you have some health issues before you start the diet, you should speak with your doctor first.

8 Simple Exercises to Reduce Hanging Lower Belly Fat

Lower Belly fat doesn’t look good and it damages the entire personality of a person. Reducing Lower belly fat and getting into your best possible shape may require some exercise.

But the large range of exercises at your disposal today can cause confusion to you in making the right choice of the best one that will help you shed that Lower belly fat and reveal your hard-won muscles.

While it takes different kinds of exercises to burn the Lower belly fat in your body and achieve that desired well rounded stomach.

Best Exercises to Reduce Hanging Lower Belly Fat

1. Double Leg Lifts

Double Leg Lifts are a Pilates exercise that strongly works your core. By keeping your legs firmly together, you transfer most of the work toward your abs. This is more challenging than most Pilates exercises because you’ve to keep your legs straight. Most trainers call this the Mermaid exercise.

How To Do:

  • Lie face up on the mat and put your palms under your head with elbows wide open.
  • Spread the legs and raise them upwards keeping them joined at the heels and inhale.
  • Exhale as you pull your torso up from the floor and crunch your tummy, feel the tension in your back muscles and the abdomen at this point.
  • Hold this position for some seconds and then slowly lower your torso in the mat.

Repeat this exercise 10 times at a stretch.

2. Flutter Kicks

Ab flutter kicks predominantly targets your abs, working the lower abs in particular. They are also a superb workout for your hip flexors, where a large extent of the effect is felt as you’re performing repetitions. Your middle and upper abs will also feel stimulation from this exercise and you’ll get a great overall workout by including this movement into your overall abdominal training routine. Performing the abdominal flutter kicks near the end of a workout will too improve your endurance levels.

How To Do:

  • Lie on your back with your head and shoulders lifted off the floor and your hands behind your head.
  • With both legs extended and toes pointed lift your right leg off the floor.
  • And raise your left leg just a few inches off the ground.
  • Drop your right leg swiftly down so that it hovers a few inches off the ground.
  • And simultaneously raise your left leg up towards the ceiling.
  • Without pause, alternate back and forth. Up and down on each leg is one repetition.

Do for 6 – 8 repetitions.

3. Crunches

This is one of the highly recommended exercise which can burn lower belly fat very easily and in no time.

How To Do:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, and your hands behind your head.
  • Lift your shoulders off the floor and curl your legs towards your ribcage; simultaneously.
  • Slowly, return to starting position.

Repeat this process in sets of 5 or 10 and repeat as many times as you can.

4. Criss Cross

The Criss Cross Pilates Exercise works your core. You can apply a rope to ensure proper form. To get the full effect, be sure to keep your core tight throughout the exercise. The Criss Cross Pilates Exercise will work your core. Because your feet are off the ground, the exercise especially works your obliques and lower abs.

How To Do:

  • Lie straight on the mat. Place the palms below the head with shoulders wide apart.
  • Bent the knees and pull it up to the sheens.
  • Now pull up your head and shoulders up from the mat till the base of shoulder blades as you exhale.
  • Now inhale and exhale as you spread your left leg out and twist your torso toward right as if to touch the right knee with your left elbow.
  • Now inhale as you straighten your body and switch legs, exhale as you spread out the right leg and twist your torso towards left as if to touch the left knee with the right elbow.

Repeat the set 10 times and gradually increase it.

5. Exercise Ball Crunch

This exercise ball, stability ball, balance ball and physio ball all mean the same. This will not only improve balance, coordination and stability. This exercise need a lot more muscles stabilization engages.

How To Do:

  • Lie down on the ball so that the lower back is supported and feet are firmly planted on the ground.
  • Place your hands on your chest or behind your head.
  • Contract your abs and lift your torso up and forward. lower back down.
  • The ball must remain stable during each contraction.
  • Inhale as you lower back down, and exhale as you crunch.

Perform 1-3 sets and repeat 12-16 times.

6. Rolling Plank Exercise

The rolling plank trains your body muscles around the abdomen, hip and lower back.

How To Do:

  • Lie down on the mat or floor sideways. Support your body on right elbow and right leg.
  • The elbow should then be perpendicular to your shoulder and your left leg should be above your right leg, making sure they are together.
  • Keep the knees straight. The hips should also not be touching the ground.

Hold this posture for about 30 seconds.

7. Vertical Leg Crunch

How To Do:

  • Lie flat on the mat or on the floor with legs extended upwards towards the ceiling.
  • And then one knee that is crossed over the other.
  • Breathe in and then lift the upper body towards the pelvis. Breathe out slowly.

Do about 12-16 crunches for 2-3 sets.

8. Hip Lifts

How To Do:

  • Lie on the floor with your arms by your sides.
  • Your palms facing down and your legs over your hips at 90 degrees. Feet are flexed.
  • Then lift your hips off the floor using your core muscles while your legs are reaching towards the ceiling.
  • Then return to the starting position.

Repeat 15 times.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Natural Remedy For Sagging Eyelids You Will See Results In 2 Minutes!!!

We blink our eyes a lot of time in the day. Have you ever wonder what helps us to open and close our eyes?

There is a ring of muscle which encircles our eyes and eyelids are one of the parts of it. These muscles allow us to open and close our eyes.

However, the eyelids start to droop due to factors such as aging process, heredity issues and sometimes due to long-term lifestyle habits.

The dropping eyelids make the muscles of eye tired and causes fatigue.

It will also be difficult to apply make on your eyelids. The eyeshadow or eyeliner will no longer be visible due to the sagging eyelids.

It will definitely kind off irritating for you but there exists a natural process to get rid of this issue.

The natural remedy for sagging eyelids and hooded eyes consist of ingredients like an egg. The white part of the egg is very useful to make the skin firm and tighten it quickly.

After the application of this remedy, the result will be visible in just a few minutes. Here is the recipe for the remedy to cure sagging eyelids.

Natural Remedy for Sagging Eyelids


  • Egg white- 1
  • Cotton swab- 1


Clean the eyelid using warm water and remove the makeup if any.

Now, crack the egg and separate white part from the yolk.

Mash the egg white properly to get a thick paste.

Now, dip the cotton swab into the paste of egg white and hold it on your closed eyelid

Hold it for a while until the egg white gets dry and stick to your eyelid.
Repeat the process for a couple of time and then wash your face and eyelid with warm water.

Continue the use of this remedy daily to get rid of sagging eyelid.
This is the most simple process you can use to treat the eyelid drooping issue at home. Along with the eyelid, you can apply some of the egg white on your face skin as well to reduce the fine lines and make your face look younger.

Nature has a solution to all our health issues and the benefit is that the remedies are absolutely free from side effects. So, try the remedy today and treat the sagging eyelid quickly!

It’s called the fat burner because it eliminates abdominal fat in just 7 days/ Recipe

We all want to have a perfect body but it is not always easy.

We need to follow strict diets or exercise a lot. Sometimes we must turn to nature and see what it has to offer.

Natural and homemade remedies are always the better choice and today we are going to show you a completely natural remedy that will help you to lose your weight without much effort.


The lemon cleanses our body from toxins, keeps us from colds and viruses, and helps us to stay hydrated while the chia seeds are an antioxidant and are full of fiber.

If you combine these two ingredients the benefits will be amazing.


  • Chia seeds (1 tbsp.)
  • Honey (1 tbsp.)
  • Lemon juice (1 lemon)
  • Water (1 ½ glass)


Soak the chia seeds in the water for one hour and then add the rest of the ingredients and your drink is ready. Drink this every morning before breakfast.


Today I am sharing with you top 5 home remedies to remove skin tags easily at home. Skin tags appear in a multitude of places on your body, from the back, neck, armpits, eyelids and other locations as well. The skin tags are caused by a variety of things,such as diabetes, heredity, shaving scratches, some hormonal changes, obesity and many others. Thankfully, with the help of some neat home remedies you can get the job done very fast and remove them way faster than other, more expensive treatments.


1. Apple Cider Vinegar + Cotton Ball

  • Soak cotton ball in apple cider vinegar
  • Gently apply the apple cider vinegar on affected area
  • Leave it to dry

2. 1 tsp Baking Soda + 1.5 tsp Castor Oil

  • Mix both of these in clean bowl
  • Apply this paste on skin tags
  • Leave it for 30 minutes
  • Wash with luke warm water
  • Do this 2-3 times  a day

3. 2-3 Drops Of Tea Tree Oil + 4-5 tsp Cold Water

  • Mix both of these
  • CLean your skin tag
  • Apply this lotion on skin tag
  • Leave it to dry
  • DO it 3 times  a day

4. Nail Polish

  • Cover skin tag with nail polish
  • Leave it to dry

5. Lemon Juice

  • Apply lemon juice on skin tag
  • Leave it to dry
  • Do it 2 times a  day

Monday 24 June 2019

Remove Skin Tags Easily Using ONLY One Ingredient

Skin tags are very common and harmless skin growths that form due to friction and rubbing. A person can have anywhere from one to over hundred skin tags on their body. These little flaps of skin are highly annoying to deal with because they look a lot more dangerous and harmful than they actually are. Luckily, there’s a simple solution to removing them, and you do not even need to make a trip to the doctor.

To do this, you first soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar. Then, you rub it against the skin tag two to three times a day. If you repeat this process every day, the skin tag will eventually change color and fall off. It takes roughly a week for this process to happen (occasionally more) so a bit of patience is required.

According to Simple Household Tips, “Make sure to squeeze the cotton ball while you massage the skin tag so that the skin tag is saturated with the vinegar. This can be done three times a day until the skin tag is gone. Keep in mind that apple cider vinegar is acidic and it can cause some mild itching and stinging for a few minutes when you do this treatment. To minimize these effects dilute the vinegar with some water before doing the treatment.”

Use Baking Soda To Remove The Fat From Your Thighs, Belly, Arms And Back

Baking soda is said to be one of the most beneficial and healthiest ingredients, providing many health benefits, using it for baking, cakes, making bread even cosmetics.

But, not many people know that they can use baking soda to lose extra pounds. It is very effective in decreasing the excess of fat from the body without side-effects.

In this article you can find a recipe that will help you lose extra pounds, fats and can help you boost your health.

Known for its alkalizing properties, the baking soda enables the body for absorbing the healthy nutrients from the food. It is also known that the alkaline environment is much better than the acidic environment.

Other than gastrointestinal problems, you can use baking soda for:

  • – Reducing inflammation
  • – Balancing the pH and helping healing
  • – Boosting energy and performance
  • – Relieving the urinary infection symptoms
  • – Its anti-acidic properties

The procedure is very simple – put all the ingredients in a blender, mix it and it is ready. You will need:

  • –  Half teaspoon of baking soda
  • – 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • – 1 glass of mineral water

It is best to use it every morning, on an empty stomach after waking up. There is no limit on how long you can drink it.

This recipe provides many beneficial effects, but the most important is that baking soda can help you fight cancer and a lot of other illnesses and diseases.


While it is true, we all know that the skin is the largest and most delicate organ of the body since it is constantly exposed to damage from the outside but has the task of protecting all internal organs of the environment and everything that can affect them from outside. For all this, we must give him the care he deserves.

Your skin can suffer from the sun, pollutants, among many other factors. Over time they can appear spots, rashes, wrinkles, among others.

Many other dermatological problems that we should all avoid. If we do not pay attention to our skin the consequences may be irreversible because it is very delicate and can easily be damaged. However, all this is not an easy task and requires some effort.

To take care of the face, people turn to expensive treatments and creams, but the truth is that we can take good care of it at home.

With these home remedies you can have effective results, at low cost and very accessible. In addition to having the benefit of preparing it yourself at home whenever you want.



  • -Apple cider vinegar
  • -Sodium bicarbonate
  • -1/2 half a lemon
  • -Honey.


Dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water, then add the baking soda, then the lemon juice and finally the honey. Remove everything very well until it is well attached. You can save the mixture to apply it whenever you want.

Wash your face very well to remove traces of makeup and impurities and also open your pores. Then apply this mixture on the skin, let it act for 10 minutes and remove it with warm water.

Dry with a towel very delicately. In a few days of applying this mask, you will see how your skin begins to change drastically. It will eliminate your wrinkles, acne spots and other problems without much effort and without spending a lot of money.

So do not spend more on expensive products and treatments, constantly apply this mask and immediately see the changes on your face.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Tricks to reaffirm drooping cheeks

Drooping cheeks is a problem that comes along with aging, and it is well understood that it is frustrating but you should stop buying non efficient and expensive products because here are some homemade solutions. Coristiol is a hormone, it is causing the deposition of fat in the face’s zone, while causing the water retention in the cheeks. As a result, the swollen face occurs.

Molecules produced during the sugar metabolism slows the production of collagen and elastin of the skin, to the supporting structure. This is why the face is fallen, loses elasticity, the muscles and the shape in general, so it looks strtched.

Tips for avoiding the drooping aspect of cheeks:

Facial exercises
When your nourishing time comes, you should keep in mind to also massage yourself with an natural oil, it will bust the blood circulation and it will reduce skin problems.

Avocado and honey mask
Mix half of an avocado’s pulp together with 2 tablespoons of honey and apply this mixture on your face, using your fingers. You should at least leave it to act for 15 minutes, or you can even leave it overnight for even more efficient results.

Mask with yogurt and Aloe Vera
Mix in a bowl 4 tablespoons of yogurt and add 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera, spoons mix them until it get homogenous. Now apply it on the complex and let it act for about 20 minutes.

Do Your Hands And Joints Hurt? Do This Once And Go … Say Goodbye To The Pain!

Pain in the hands and joints may be due to different factors, so most people immediately resort to conventional drugs that promise to eliminate pain, but although they do meet the objective, if we consume drugs we will frequently affect considerably our body.

Next, in this article, we will show you an amazing home remedy made with turmeric, which will help you eliminate pain in the hands and joints in a natural and effective way.

What you must do to fight pain in the hands You will need to:

  • -2 tablespoons of turmeric powder.
  • -one tablespoon of coconut oil
  • -1 teaspoon of honey
  • -5 tablespoons of purified water.

Place all the ingredients in a container and mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.Mode of use:Apply directly on the area to be treated and rub with gentle massage with circular movements, leave for 10 minutes and remove with warm water.Turmeric has been used since ancient times to treat pains and inflammations, especially in Asian countries.In addition, it works as a natural stimulant to produce cortisone in the adrenal glands by rapidly eliminating inflammation and pain in the hands and joints.Different studies proved that turmeric curcumin and quercetin are responsible for relieving the terrible discomfort of pain and inflammation.On the other hand, turmeric has antioxidant properties that help strengthen the immune system, so it is essential to eliminate toxins to prevent them from accumulating and causing serious damage to the body.Something you must take into account is that you must accompany this home remedy with a balanced diet and physical activity, as well as drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Apply directly on the area to be treated and rub with gentle massage with circular movements, leave for 10 minutes and remove with warm water.Turmeric has been used since ancient times to treat pains and inflammations, especially in Asian countries.In addition, it works as a natural stimulant to produce cortisone in the adrenal glands by rapidly eliminating inflammation and pain in the hands and joints.Different studies proved that turmeric curcumin and quercetin are responsible for relieving the terrible discomfort of pain and inflammation.On the other hand, turmeric has antioxidant properties that help strengthen the immune system, so it is essential to eliminate toxins to prevent them from accumulating and causing serious damage to the body.Something you must take into account is that you must accompany this home remedy with a balanced diet and physical activity, as well as drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Miracle Drink Helps You Clean Your Liver & Lose Weight In Under 3 Days!

This is one of my favorite drinks, now not handiest it helps you smooth your liver from all of the pollutants that your liver has accrued, but it additionally facilitates your metabolism and weight loss manner in just below three days!

Lose as much as 16 lbs of frame fat in just 14 days the usage of this weird abnormal Tea
Just a short creation on what your liver does and why it’s miles important to detoxify!

Our liver converts the nutrients found in our diets into substances that the frame can use, stores these substances, and resources cells with them when wanted.

It also takes up poisonous substances and converts them into harmless substances or makes sure they’re released from the frame.

How does this Miracle Drink help you live wholesome and shed pounds on the identical time?

As you understand liver cleanses all the wastes and poisonous substances from your blood, it’s far critical to detoxify it too, specifically, in case you’re overloading it with the poisonous materials to make it feature properly. This beverage will obviously detoxify your liver.

By drinking this miracle drink, it’ll smooth up your liver, by cleaning your liver it’ll start functioning higher, helping you in dropping weight.


  • 6 Cups of water
  • Three Lemons
  • 1 Cup chopped parsley
  • Five Celery stalks

Peel off the lemons and mix all the ingredients in a blender, except water. Once finished, upload the water and mix the aggregate again.

Directions To Use
This juice will detoxify your frame. Try this for 3 days! Drink 2 glasses of it, 3 instances a day for pleasant results.

During this period, eat light and wholesome meals, keep away from spicy food and greater water. It might be exceptional if you can do fasting and consume more uncooked food.

Here is a List of Our Top five Other Great Cleansing Drinks That Will Help You Lose Weight:

Green Smoothie Recipe For Beginners

  • 4 Immune Boosting Smoothies
  • Lemon Ginger Turmeric Detox Tea
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Detox
  • Five Detox Teas For Burning Fat
  • Tap On The Recipe You Want To See!

Special Tip
I realize that it’s difficult to stay healthy this days, due to all of the temptations surrounding us, we indulge into all kinds of processed foods and goodies.

Staying healthy, dropping weight, and preserving both of them is a hassle.

If you want a problem free, clean to comply with, proven technique of detoxifying your body and reducing your weight notably, to the point you almost don’t understand yourself (in an amazing manner).

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Why Do Doctors Keep This Simple Recipe Away From The Public? Here’s How To Get Rid Of Bunions Completely Natural!

Bunions themselves are salt deposits. Also, angina, influenza, gout, bad metabolism, rheumatic infections, poor diet and long wearing uncomfortable shoes contribute to their formation.

People who have bunions find it very difficult to find appropriate footwear.
The operation of removing bunions is only a temporary solution. Traditional medicine has effective means to solve this problem.

To start you need to clean the body from salt deposits.

Pour with 300 ml of water one tablespoon of chopped bay leaves and boil for 5 minutes.

Pour into a thermos bottle and leave it to stand until the next morning.

Strain it in the morning and drink in small sips throughout the day.

Do this treatment for 3 consecutive days, preparing every evening a fresh beverage.
Repeat the treatment after 7 days.

Do not be surprised if you have frequent need to urinate. This is a sign that the salt in the body began to dissolve. The result will be visible after 10 days.

Amazing Weight Loss Remedies With Ginger

Ginger has been used as a culinary spice for over 4,400 years and as an herbal treatment for digestion, nausea and diarrhea for at least the last 2,000 years. You’ll also find ginger listed as an ingredient in many over-the-counter dietary supplements, even though there is no medical evidence to support ginger as having a direct effect on weight loss.

Ginger is included as part of a remedy for obesity in Ayurveda, a holistic doctrine that focuses on body type and balancing your body’s internal rhythms. To lose weight with ginger, incorporate Ayurvedic remedies to aid digestion.

Weight Loss Remedies with Ginger

Method 1:

  • Add 50 grams of ginger in one liter of hot water. You can also add a small clove of garlic .
  • Insist 15 minutes, then – drain. Drink this tea in intervals through out the day .
  • This tea helps to lose weight very fast.

Method 2:

  • Chew a slice of ginger root a few minutes before each meal.
  • Alternatively, mix a small amount of grated ginger root with lemon juice and salt.
  • Eat two pinches of the mixture before each meal.
  • In addition to enhancing digestion, eating a small amount of ginger before each meal can decrease appetite.

Benefits of Ginger

  • Improves Metabolism
  • Reduce cholesterol levels
  • Monitor triglyceride levels
  • Exhibit anti cancer properties
  • Treat gastroentital disorders
  • Prevent formation of blood clots
  • Reduce joint pain
  • Improve the immune system

Monday 17 June 2019



That is why here we have some exercises that will help you in these difficult times.   Six exercises for fighting the bloating:

1.Seated spinal twist

Sit on the floor, or on the mat, and make an angle of 90 degrees with extended legs and trunk. Then, you should bend your right knee, but be careful, and twist it to the hip. You can use the left elbow for making leverage against the right knee. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

2.Knees to chest

First, you should lie on the back with extended arms and legs. Then, bring the knees slowly to the chest. After that, clasp the hands around. You should keep the back on the floor. Hold this position for 1 minute and then try again.

3.Bridge pose

Lie on your back bent the knees, and your feet should be firmly glued to the floor. Then, lift the hips straight up. Press against the ground to help the hips to be opened. Hold this position for 1 minute and then try again.

4.Chair pose

You should stand with your feet about hips-width apart with your toes facing forward . Then, sit the hips like you are sitting on the chair. You should keep the chest high and shoulders back. Hold this position for 1 minute and breathe slowly.

5.Legs up the wall

First, you should lie on the back and put your butt against the wall. Then, your legs should be extended on the wall, and hands should be rested on the floor. Hold this position for 1 minute.

6.Variation of high lunge

You should stand with your feet together and hands at your side, and then take a large step with the right leg. Then, the left knee should be bended, and hands should be clasped. After that, drive your arms back so the chest should be opened. Slowly release the hands. Then, repeat on the other side.


Old korean Formula to Get Rid Of Wrinkles In Just 7 Days Use This Formula and You Become 10 Years Younger

As you age and laugh, cry and enjoy life altogether your face is going to preserve each of your precious moments in the form of a wrinkle.

They say wrinkles are a trademark of happy people, but even, so, you want to get rid of them.  there are many products on the market which claim to erase wrinkles, but few, if any work; besides, they are rich in chemicals. What’s the alternative? Your very own, 100% natural cream – homemade! In only 7 days your face will be wrinkle free!

Benefits of the home-made wrinkle cream:

  • It’s easy to prepare
  • All the ingredients are cheap and you already have them in your kitchen
  • The cream is moisturizing, removing wrinkles by hydrating the skin, not stuffing it with chemicals
  • The cream can be used on any type of skin
  • It will give you long term benefits, but you will notice the difference in just 7 days


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


Mix all the ingredients until you have a smooth paste, then transfer them into a jar. Store the cream in the fridge.

How to use the cream:

Wash your face with warm water and then apply the cream all over your face, massaging it gently. The best time for applying this cream is right before bedtime, so go to sleep with the cream on. In the morning, wash your face and enjoy the smooth and silky feeling.

Continue to apply the cream daily for 7 days, then use it once a week.

Sunday 16 June 2019

Garlic And Ginger DIY Treatment At Home To Get Rapid Hair Growth

Garlic is known to remove toxins from your scalp and reduce damage to your hair roots, its sulphur content helps you in rebuilding hair shaft and replenish lost hair to a large extent. Whereas, ginger is known to prevent hair loss, control dandruff, nourishing hair with fatty acids and tackle dryness. Thus, together they form the perfect concoction and remedy for hair growth. Here are a few ways in which you can use these ingredients for rapid hair growth :

Garlic and Ginger Mask for hair
Ingredients :

  • One small piece ginger
  • 3-4 garlic pods
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

Method :

  • Make a paste of the ginger.
  • Grate the garlic pods and extract juice.
  • Mix the paste and extract juice together and blend well.
  • Add the coconut oil to this mixture and mix well.
  • Apply this Mask to hair for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water and a mild shampoo. Condition hair.

This hair mask can be used 1-2 times a week for best results.

Ginger and Garlic Juice Concentrate for Hair Growth
Ingredients :

  • 4-5 garlic pods
  • 1 tablespoon grated garlic
  • Plain water

Methods :

  • Grate the garlic and ginger and add to a pan of boiling water.
  • Let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Take it off the heat, strain this mixture and separate the juice.
  • Apply the juice to the scalp directly.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash with plain water and a mild shampoo.

The juice concentrate is to be applied about once in a week for best and quick results.

Ginger, Garlic and Lemon Juice
Ingredients :

  • 2-3 tablespoons of grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of grated garlic
  • 3 tablespoon sesame oil
  • ½ – 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Method :

  • Blend all of these ingredients together well till you get a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste to your scalp and keep for about 25 minutes.
  • Wash it off properly with a very mild shampoo (preferably sulphate-free) and cold water. Condition hair after washing.

The hair mask should be applied twice a week for best results. Lemon has collagen-boosting properties and when its combined with the antimicrobial property of ginger, they restore the pH of the scalp and promote hair growth.

Ginger, Garlic and Moringa Leaf Hair Rinse
Ingredients :

  • 1-2 tablespoons garlic grated
  • 1-2 tablespoons grated ginger
  • 1 cup of Moringa leaves (Drumstick leaves)
  • 2 cups water

Method :
Boil the Moringa leaves and grated garlic & ginger for about 10 minutes in the water.

  • Let the concoction cool down.
  • Strain this concoction and set aside.
  • After you, shampoo and condition your hair (cold water for shampoo and conditioning suggested), pour this concoction and rinse your hair well.

Use this rinse once a week. Moringa leaves are known to contain calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and other important elements for hair growth. It is also known to be rich in vitamins A, C, D, E and K. It contains antioxidants which help in keeping hair free of damage and health.

Here are a few ways to use ginger and garlic for rapid hair growth, instead of using chemical products which harm and cause hair-thinning in the long run. If you have any suggestions on how to use these ingredients for hair growth, let us know in the comments below!


Today I will share an amazing unwanted hair removal treatment with which you can remove facial and body hair permanently. This method is easy, effective and natural.

Ingredients You Will Need

  • – 2 tablespoons of Johnson’s baby oil
  • – 2 tablespoons of alum powder

1. First take some alum and grind it to make fine powder. Now in a bowl take 2 tablespoons of alum powder and 2 tablespoons of Johnson’s baby oil. Mix them well to combine both the ingredients well. And your hair removal remedy is now ready.

2. Apply this on your face and the affected areas where you do not want hair. Leave it for good 20- 25 minutes to let it dry. Then wash your face with normal water, pat dry and moisturize your face well.

For best results repeat this procedure 2-3 times in a week and you will see the facial hair and unwanted hair will be gone completely.

Friday 14 June 2019

Do This Simple Exercise While Sitting On Chair, It Will Remove Your Belly Fat In No Time

Sit upright and move towards the edge of your chair. Place your feet in front in front of you. To perform the exercise, lift your knee into your abs using your hands for support. You should feel a pull in your lower abs.

Double knee lift

This exercise will get your full abdominal region working. Place your arms on your chair’s armrest for support and lift both of your knees to your chest. Do your best not to lean into your knees; let your abs do the work of bringing them up to your chest.

If your chair does not have arm rests, hold the seat of the chair with your hands.

Oblique pull up

With this exercise, you’ll be using the same motion as the last one. This time, however, you’ll want to lean to one side. This will target the sides of your abdomen. Repeat the motion until you begin to feel a burn. Then, lean to the other side and do the same number of repetitions.

Floor reach

With this exercise, you’ll be using the same motion as the last one. This time, however, you’ll want to lean to one side. This will target the sides of your abdomen. Repeat the motion until you begin to feel a burn. Then, lean to the other side and do the same number of repetitions.


Perfectly shaped breasts are every girl’s dream. However, as women age, the breasts begin sagging and lose their elasticity. But, there are various belongings you should do to tone and make your breasts more impregnable. This includes ordinary workout, healthful diet, and right frame care.

In order to regain the firmness of saggy breasts, you must:
drink plenty of water
massage the breasts with pomegranate oil and Aloe Vera
preserve an most reliable weight


There are numerous sporting events which will let you company the breasts.
The following sports are extremely beneficial.
They will shape the breasts, reduce the extra fat deposits, and reinforce the pectoral muscle groups positioned below the breasts.

Lie down in your belly on the floor and push your body up together with your fingers.
Make certain your returned is directly throughout the complete workout.
Get into plank role and then decrease the frame.
Continue pushing your body up.
You must exhale as you thrust back to the beginning role.

Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in every hand resting on top of your thighs.
Then, increase your hands and maintain for 10 seconds.
Make positive you push the dumbbells up so that your hands are without delay over your shoulders and your arms are up.
Then, decrease the dumbbells down until your elbows are slightly underneath your shoulders.

This is a quite simple workout.
All you have to do is stand with your toes apart and attain straight up.

This is every other top notch manner to make your breasts firm and toned. This is the way to make it:


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E oil
  • 1 tablespoon of simple yogurt

Preparation Method
Mix all of the components well until you get a thick paste.
Then, apply it on your breasts with a mild rubdown.
Leave it for half-hour after which rinse it off with cold water.

Additionally, you may use various elements to carry out a message on your breasts.
Therefore, you can use a few ice cubes, coconut oil, vegetable or olive oil, and different critical oils.
You need to practice doing the massages 2-3 times a week.


Wednesday 12 June 2019


Everybody wants to protect the body from excessive sweating and underarm odor. Perfumes and deodorants are far away from the best choice. If you don’t want to chemical based products or if you have tried using deodorant eliminate underarm odor anymore, you should definitely try these powerful natural ways to get rid of it.

Stop Shaving: Although it may seem unappealing, body hair plays an important role for your body because it absorbs the moisture which makes good grounds for bacteria proliferation and underarm odor.

Shaving your underarm hair creates a number of issues like skin irritation because the razor makes way for bacteria to thrive. Depilatory creams, shaving creams, and other lotions, which also irritate the skin, give pretty much the same effect as razors.

Due to its ability to balance the pH level of the skin, this citrus fruit can be very helpful when it comes to eliminating underarm odor. Simply put a lemon slice on your armpit, let it act for fifteen minutes, and go fresh for the day. Lemon can also be used for removing household odors.

Alcohol is a natural disinfectant that can be used for many purposes, including getting rid of underarm odor. Be sure to use odorless alcohol like vodka so that you don’t smell like alcohol. When you are getting dressed mist some alcohol under your arms and let it dry. It will kill bacteria and odor.

Apple Cider Vinegar
In a spray bottle mix a little water, ACV, and some lemon juice. Before you get dressed, spray that under your arms in the morning.

You can also keep the spray bottle at work if you need to reapply during the day. Your skin will be kept from bacteria that causes odor and will be kept balanced.

Natural Soap
You can eliminate underarm odor by cleaning the whole body (armpits) with natural soap. Buy natural handmade soap from goat’s milk if you do not want to make your own soap (castile soap).

Baking Soda
Most of you use baking soda to get rid of odors in your laundry or fridge, so why don’t you use to eliminate underarm odor too. This substance is natural and gentle.

Make a mixture between a little corn starch and a little baking soda and keep your skin dry and smell fresh all day. Use it according to your needs before get dressed.

Natural talc will stop moisture from allowing bacterial growth and that will stop odor before it starts. After you have washed with natural soap dry your armpits and apply some talc. Reapply throughout the day so that bacteria have no chance to grow.

Tea Tree Oil
Tree oils can solve various skin problems including odor. It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, and people were fully aware of them for hundreds of years.

Make a mixture out of few drops of tea tree oil and some natural rosewater, and then spray it onto the underarm area. This simple trick can help you eliminate the odor instantly.Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has a number of uses and one of them is eliminating underarm odor. Just mix hydrogen peroxide with water or natural rose water, and you get a healthy and natural way of eliminating the unwanted smell under your arms.SAY GOODBYE TO UNDERARM ODOR FOREVER WITH THESE 10 EFFECTIVE HOME REMEDIES! Alum: Alum is a great natural deodorant. Just wet a piece of alum and rub it under your arms and it will stop underarm odor.

Oncologists Urge You To Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Can Increase Your Cancer Risk

According to medical experts, cancer is a complex set of diseases, which might be a result of various factors, such as: genetics, specific infections, poor lifestyle habits, like poor diet, physical inactivity, tobacco, and alcohol use and environmental exposure to various types of chemicals and radiation.

These factors have been scientifically proven to raise the risk of cancer.

The World Cancer Research Fund estimated that around 20% of the total American cancer patients are linked to weight gain, poor diet, physical inactivity, and excess consumption of alcohol.

Fortunately, cancer can be prevented, and the risk of this disease is reduced by:

  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Avoidance of smoking
  • A diet rich in organic vegetables and fruits

The following 8 foods are extremely harmful and can increase the cancer risk:

Refined and Artificial Sugary Foods

The excessive consumption of foods rich in refined sugar and artificial fructose sweeteners, such as high-fructose corn syrup causes the development of numerous health problems.

These foods increase insulin levels and boost cancer cell growth. The American Society for Clinical Nutrition journal published a study in 2006 which showed that the participants who consumed higher amounts of sugar-sweetened foods had an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Therefore, make sure you replace these foods with healthy and natural alternatives like stevia, raw honey, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses, or jaggery.

White Flour

Numerous processed foods these days are high in refined white flour, which is rich in carbohydrates, which negatively affect health, raise the blood sugar levels and raise the cancer risk.

Studies have shown that women who consumed excessive amounts of carbohydrates had an increased risk of breast cancer. Therefore, substitute refined white flour with healthier alternatives like whole- wheat, almond, quinoa, or barley flour.

Smoked and Pickled Foods

The regular consumption of pickled and smoked foods endangers health, as the smoking process of smoked meats leaves numerous toxic ingredients in the meat, while pickled foods are high in nitrates which are transformed into N-nitroso, an ingredient which raises the cancer risk.

Plus, these foods are abundant in preservatives which ensure a longer shelf life and lead to cellular damage and cancer development. Hence, we recommend avoiding them completely.

Red and Processed Meat

Processed meats like ham, sausages, and bacon, are rich in harmful preservatives and salt. Researchers have found that the excess intake of processed meat might lead to colorectal cancer.

The excessive intake of red meat raises the chances of developing prostate and colorectal cancer as well. Therefore, make sure you consume grass-fed meat only.

Farmed Salmon

Farmed and wild salmon are two types with huge differences, as the latter offers numerous health benefits, while the first poses serious health risks.

The consumption of farmed salmon might, in fact, cause cancer.

Researchers have found that farmed salmon contain significantly higher levels of harmful chemicals and cancer-promoting ingredients, like mercury, dioxins, toxaphene, flame retardants, and polychlorinated biphenyls.

Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils are converted into poisons when processed and manufactured. These oils are actually chemically extracted from vegetables in order to preserve and prolong the shelf life of processed foods.

Yet, they are high in trans fats and omega–6 fatty acids.

The small amount of these acids might be beneficial for health, but the higher amounts negatively affect the membrane’s structure and flexibility of cells, thus raising the risk of numerous cancer types, including skin cancer.

Trans fats, on the other hand, increase the risk of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer. Therefore, you should use extra virgin coconut or olive oil instead.

Potato Chips

Potato chips are produced at extremely high temperatures, which causes the creation of acrylamide, a popular carcinogen.

According to a study published by the National Cancer Institute, this ingredient raises the risk of developing ovarian, breast, prostate, and digestive tract cancer.

Potato chips are also rich in calories and fats which raise the blood pressure and cholesterol levels and lead to obesity.

Potato chips are also rich in artificial flavors and preservatives, so make sure you avoid them and replace them with homemade ones prepared in olive oil.

Moreover, you should definitely try baked banana or apple chips as well.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn bags contain an extremely toxic chemical known as perfluorooctanoic acid, which has been found to raise the risk of kidney and bladder cancer and cause an impaired fertility in women.

These products are also rich in numerous GMO products and preservatives, such as propyl gallate.

How To Prepare And Use Natural Scrubs At Home To Make Your Hands Smooth And Soft

We often neglect our hands and do not take care of them properly. Our skin over the hands is also more prone to drying since we do a lot of things with them and are washing them constantly which lead to them becoming dry. Here are some easy to prepare hand scrubs which can be used to exfoliate the hands and make them softer.

How to:

  • Take 1 cup of coffee grounds.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of cold cream.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Add 6-7 drops of natural vanilla extract.
  • Mix the ingredients well to form a uniform mixture.
  • Apply on wet hands.
  • Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse off with plain water.
  • Do this remedy once a day for better results.


How to:

  • Take 1 cup of coarse sea salt.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of vitamin E oil.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Add 6-7 drops of natural mint essential oil.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply on wet hands.
  • Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse off with plain water.
  • Do this remedy once a day.

How to:

  • Take 1 cup of coffee grounds.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Add 6-7 drops of lemongrass essential oil.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply on wet hands.
  • Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse off with plain water.
  • Do this remedy once a day.

How to:

  • Take 1 cup of sea salt.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of olive oil.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Add 6-7 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply on wet hands.
  • Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse off with plain water.
  • Do this remedy once a day.

How to:

  • Take 1 cup of gram flour.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of curd.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of almond powder.
  • Add 6-7 drops of almond extract.
  • Mix well.
  • Apply on wet hands.
  • Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse off with plain water.
  • Do this remedy once a day.

How this help:

These Scrubs are beneficial for exfoliating the skin and getting rid of dead skin cells from the surface. These scrubs make use of gram flour, almond powder, and sea salt and coffee grounds as the base of the scrubs since they have a granular structure. Coffee grounds also help in removing any odour from the hands. Hence the coffee scrubs are great to use in the kitchen after cooking with string scented ingredients like onions or garlic. Sea salt is well known for getting rid of germs since it is saline and kills any bacteria on the hands. Gram flour scrub is ideal for people who have pigmented hands and are trying to get rid of a suntan or get an even skin tone. Gram flour has skin lightening properties apart from being a good scrub naturally.

These scrubs can be used on the hands once every day. If you want soft hands, is also important to keep moisturizing the hands regularly to prevent them from drying. It is also a great alternative to use these scrubs at night since these scrubs contain hydrating oils which will moisturize and soften the skin overnight.

1 Week Skin Care Routine To Get Clear Spotless Skin

Every woman wishes to have a perfect skin. Perfect skin means the skin without dark circles, dark spots, blackheads etc. If you don’t want to face these issues you should pay a little attention to your skin. There are a number of chemical products present in the market can be used to get a clear spotless skin. But, along with beauty they also cause many side effects.

Here is a guideline for a 1-week  skin care routine to get a glowing skin. From cleansing to whitening all the basic steps are listed below. All the ingredients used here are natural and available readily at home.

DAY – 1
The very first day you have to follow three basic steps. They are cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.


  • Cleansing is the first basic step to get a glowing skin.
  • Your face is regularly affected by pollutants and sun rays.
  • Therefore, the dead cells and oils accumulate in the skin and block the pores.
  • The cleanser removes the impurities from the pores and keeps the skin clean.


  • Followed by cleaning you should do toning.
  • Toning removes the leftover oil and dust after cleansing.
  • Toning hydrates the skin and maintains its pH levels.


  • End your day with a good moisturizer.
  • This moisturizer locks the moisture in the skin.
  • Before moisturizing, you make sure that the makeup is removed because your skin needs to breathe in the night.

DAY – 2
On the second day, you should concentrate on the health of the skin. You should take care of the skin externally as well as internally. Both the steps are crucial which cannot be neglected. By following a healthy diet you can get a glowing skin.

  • First, follow your first-day cleansing, toning, and moisturizing method.
  • It should be followed by some fruit mask.
  • The facial fruit mask can be prepared by your skin friendly fruits.
  • Dry skin – Banana mask.
  • Oily skin – Strawberry mask.
  • These fruit masks will lighten up your face.
  • Drink enough water and fresh fruit juices.
  • This controls the oil production in the skin and cleanses the pores.
  • Finally, before going to bed follow the cleansing, toning, and moisturizing method.

DAY – 3
On the third day, you should remove the dead skin cells. It gives your skin soft and radiant look.

  • Start the day with cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.
  • Next, clean your face with a face scrub.
  • Scrubbing removes the dead cells and exposes the healthy layer of the skin.
  • Always use sunscreen before stepping out into the sun.
  • Sunscreen prevents the skin from damage due to harmful UV rays.
  • End your day with cleansing, toning, and moisturizing method.

DAY – 4
On the fourth day, you can see some changes in your skin. The dull skin may slowly transform into a wonderful skin.

  • Start your day by cleansing and steaming.
  • This process removes the dirt and excess oil from pores.
  • After steaming just apply a simple face mask.
  • End your day with your regular moisturizer.


  • Oatmeal – 3 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon


  • Take 3 tablespoons of oats and grind it well.
  • To this add 2 tablespoons of hot water and stir it well.
  • To the above paste add 1 tablespoon of honey and combine it.
  • Apply it to the face evenly.
  • Clean your face with warm water.

DAY – 5

  •  Start your fifth day with regular cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.
  • Then give a gentle massage to your skin.
  • Just take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and apply it to the face.
  • Massage it for 10 minutes in circular motions.
  • Permit it to stay for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off your face with lukewarm water.
  • This massage improves the blood circulation and nourishes your skin.
  • All the toxins were flushed out from the skin.
  • It will give a radiant glow to the skin.
  • After massage end your day with moisturizer.

DAY – 6
On the sixth day start with exfoliation again. It should be done twice a week to maintain healthy skin.


  • Salt – 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons


  • Combine all the above ingredients in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture evenly to the face.
  • Gently massage it in circular motions with your fingers.
  • Permit it to dry for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash off your face with a lukewarm water.
  • It gives you a glowing skin.

DAY – 7
First start your day with cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. On the seventh day, your skin needs some fruit facial. Along with this drink plenty of water to maintain the elasticity of the skin.


  • Orange peel – 3-4 pieces
  • Yogurt – 2 tablespoons


  • Dry the orange peels in the hot sun.
  • Grind the peels to form a powder.
  • To the powder add 2 tablespoons of curd and mix it well.
  • Apply it to face and neck.
  • Permit it to stay for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off your face with warm water.
  • You can observe tremendous changes in your skin from day-1 to day-7. On the final day, your skin will be soft, clean and glowing. Follow these guidelines every week and keep your skin healthy forever.

Innovative Method to Get Rid of Gray Hair Without Dying

Some humans are pleased with their white hairs. But others find their white hairs tough. Especially whilst they’re most effective partial, a...