Wednesday 31 July 2019


The skin is our biggest body’s organ which has various capacities:

It avoids contamination by keeping unsafe microorganisms out

Keeps your body temperature even

It avoids drying out by holding body liquids in

Helps you feel cold, pain, and heat

Creates vitamin D when the sun shines on it

Redness, smoldering, tingling, and swelling can be brought on by anything that irritates, clogs or inflames your skin.

The majority of us at one point of our life can encounter some skin issues, for example, clogged pores, skin breakout, moles or skin tags. Hormonal imbalance or lifestyle changes are the main reasons for this.

Despite the fact that there are numerous items available which should take care of your issue, generally they have a lot of with unsafe chemicals and they won’t give the wanted results.

Rather than utilizing these unsafe items, we prescribe you to attempt some homemade remedies which are easy and simple to make, and are incredibly efficient.

Moles are the kind of condition that contains nevus cells, known as melanocytes. Numerous individuals can be affected by moles, no matter of their age and type of skin. Generally, they happen as a consequence of genetics or extreme sun exposure.

We shoe you some natural cures which can help you to get rid of moles:

Before you put garlic on your skin, it is vital to ensure the area around your moles with a masking tape or a petroleum jelly. Put pressed garlic on the mole, protect it with a bandage, and leave it for 4 hours. Keeping in mind the end goal to get the best results, you ought to repeat this process consistently.

You can adequately treat moles by joining castor oil and baking soda. Blend the ingredients keeping in mind the end goal to get a paste. Put the mixture on the mole, protect it with a bandage, and leave it overnight. The following morning, you ought to take the bandage off, and rinse it well with water. This methodology should be rehashed each night until you see some positive results.

Put a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and then put it on the mole. Protect it with a bandage, and leave it for 8 hours. Do this routinely and after some time the mole will darken and fall off.

Warts resemble mucous membranes or small bumps on the skin. More often, they are brought on by HPS. There are numerous treatments for warts, such as salicylic acid, duct tape or freezing.

Natural solutions for warts:

You ought to rub a banana peel on your warts consistently before going to sleep. In just two weeks, you will be able to get rid of them.

Rub it on warts, protect it with a bandage and leave it overnight. This treatment will rapidly wipe out warts and keep them from happening again.

This is also a powerful solution for warts. Put a cotton ball in ACV, then put it on the warts and leave it overnight. After a day, you ought to put another cotton ball soaked in ACV. After some time you will see how warts begin shrinking and fall off.

You can get rid of warts with garlic juice or crushed garlic in a very short time. Rub some crushed garlic on the wart consistently before going to bed or you can apply garlic juice to the wart two times each day.

They are growths that generally show up around the neck, eyelids, upper chest and underarms. They are brought on by skin rubbing against skin. You can get rid of them by cutting off, tying off and freezing.

We show you some natural treatments which help in getting rid of skin tags.

Put a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and then put it on the skin tag. In only several days, the tag will fall off.

To start with, you ought to dip a cotton ball in water and then include a couple drops of tea tree oil. Apply the cotton ball on the skin tag and protect it with a bandage. Rehash this strategy for 1 month, two times each day and you will see the desired results.

Mix baking soda and castor oil so that you get a paste. Put this mixture on the skin tag, and protect it with a bandage. With a specific end goal to get the best results, rehash the technique 2-3 times each day. The paste can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 days.

They are discolored patches that normally show up on the forearms, hands and face. The main reasons why dark spots appear are aging liver and sun exposure.

Natural solutions for getting rid of dark spots:

Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and put it on the dark spots. You will see that they will be removed after a brief time.

Put Aloe Vera on the dark spots and leave it for thirty minutes. Use the fresh gel from the leaves of the plant.

Squeeze or blend an onion and put it on the dark spots. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. You ought to rehash this technique consistently until you see some positive results.

Mix horseradish with vinegar and apply put the paste on the dark spots each day. The positive results will appear in a short period of time.

Organic vitamin C serum is full of vitamin C and is unimaginably compelling in removing dark spots. The serum can also repair broken skin.

At the point when there is a lot of oil on the skin, the pores get clogged. Despite the fact that clogged pores are not a very serious condition, they make the skin look truly ugly and rough. On the off chance that you don’t treat the condition on time, it can cause infections.

Wash your face and put your head over a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel. The steam will open the pores and clean them. Then, rinse with warm water and put some vinegar.

Exfoliating helps in unclogging pores and reestablishing the glowing look of your skin. Combine lemon and sugar so that you get a paste. Utilize a cotton washcloth to rub the paste on the affected area and then rinse it well with water. This treatment makes your skin smoother.


Wrinkles, blemishes, stretch marks and burns are common problems among people nowadays, especially women. They buy many different creams and try numerous treatments that can be extremely expensive only to help themselves, but they don’t work. However, aloe vera and coconut oil contain many healing properties, but only a small number of people know that these two ingredients mixed together can do miracles for our skin.

This amazing mixture is perfect for removing stretch marks very quickly.

Another great thing about this mixture is that its preparation is very easy! You can make it at your home and you can save a lot of money!

It is 100% natural, your wrinkles, blemishes, stretch marks and burns will disappear with no side effects at all!
The amazing benefits of Aloe Vera:

  • Treating sunburn or burns that are caused from boiling water, fire etc.
  • Preventing or hiding stretch marks, wrinkles and blemishes
  • Calming irritated skin and allergic skin reactions
  • Natural skin hydration and skin rejuvenation.

The benefits of Coconut:

  • Providing a natural shine of the skin
  • Natural skin hydration
  • Especially recommended for people with dry skin


  • 113 grams of organic coconut (solid form)
  • 113 grams of Aloe Vera gel (gel, not juice)
  • 3-4 drops of any essential oil (lavender or vanilla oils )


  • Put the coconut oil and aloe vera gel in a small bowl and mix them well. Stir the mixture for about 5 minutes until you get a bright and homogenous mass. Put 3-4 drops of any essential oil and store the mixture in a clean glass jar with a good lid. Keep the mixture at room temperature.

Way of Use:

Apply this mixture on your skin normally right after showering when the pores of the skin are open. The skin will then absorb all the useful ingredients and you’ll notice positive results in no time!


An English scientist claims that hair dyes contain chemicals which can be correlated with cancer! 87 from 100 women who died their hair for a long period of time, have suffered breast cancer. Luckily for you, that’s why we’re here! We’re going to present you an amazing recipe that will help you dye your hair perfectly without any harmful ingredients!

Thanks to this recipe, the percentage of women suffering from ovarian cancer who have colored their hair from 1 to 4 times a year has decreased to 70%.

Using natural products will not give you the same lasting effect but they will surely make your hair stronger and less damaged. The National Institute of Cancer has found that more than 5000 chemical products in regular hair dyes and a large number of them are carcinogenic.

Coffee possesses beneficial effects and it is totally natural. An amazing recipe made of natural coffee can give you the expected results, but it can also help your hair grow. A study published by the International Magazine of Dermatology in January 2007 claims that coffee is really helping in the process of hair growing.

  • Make a truly strong organic coffee, for example espresso, because some of the non-organic coffees contain chemical products.
  • Leave it to cool down for a while.
  • Make a mixture with 2 teaspoons of organic coffee, 2 cups of natural conditioner and 1 cup of previously prepared cold coffee.
  • Put the mixture on your hair and let it stay for about 60 minutes. This amazing recipe will color your hair naturally and it will give your hair chocolate color and it will not affect its quality.


  • Wash your hair with shampoo and then apply the coffee on your hair.
  • Leave it to stay on your hair for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse off the coffee from your hair by using apple cider vinegar because it will fix the color on your hair.
  • After that, wash your hair with lukewarm water. You can repeat the procedure for several days and the results from the amazing recipe will appear very quickly!


Many causes make the skin look this way especially the skin on face and it turns darker. Sun, hormones, pollution and bad habits.

The oatmeal is great for cleansing. It gets dirt and clears the pores.

The lemon is great for brightening the skin, removal of age spots, face fat and freckles too. The lemon can even shrink the pores. It also is antioxidant and has vitamin C so it reduces wrinkles or fine lines and makes more collagen.

The mix of these 2 is great and gives immediate results.

You need:

  • Lemon juice of a big lemon
  • Ground oats


Mix the juice and oats and make a smooth mix. Apply on clean face.

After 20min remove with water.

Monday 29 July 2019


Black mask is easy to find. The secret is that the black mask is like glue and literally stick to critical parts where you have blackheads, and when it dries with her to remove all the grease, dead cells from the pores and blackheads.

Is it effective?

Most of the people who have tried, say there are visible results. Activated charcoal is the main ingredient of this mask, and since has been known as a compound that absorbs all the toxins it’s no wonder that the mask is effective.

The good side of the black mask:

  • It is easy to use because you only need 15 to 30 minutes to clean the problematic parts.
  • You do not need to do anything special, just wait to dry and peel.
  • The tightening of the skin under the black mask is uncomfortable.
  • If you are struggling with oily skin and closed pores and blackheads, years ago, it will definitely help you even after the first treatment.

The bad side of the black mask:

  • The mask is incredibly painful to remove. Therefore, it`s not recommended for people with sensitive skin.
  • Expect slight redness after its removal and slight pain.


Hands up if you want a nice, round booty that pops in leggings?? I’d choose ‘peach’ over ‘pancake’ any day!

A strong butt not only looks great, but it also protects your lower back by doing most of the work when you exercise. So let’s build that booty with the most effective exercises that can be done at home or at the gym.

Before I get into the exercises, here’s a little secret… nutrition plays a BIG role in growing your booty. After all, ‘glutes’ are the largest muscles in your body. They need to be fed in order to grow. So make sure you’re eating slightly more than you burn in order to see progress. For more details on eating correctly for your goals check out my post on Flexible Dieting here.

You can do these exercises at home, however, you will need either resistance bands or some kind of weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, backpack filled with rice etc.) to increase the intensity.

Resistance bands or Booty bands are seriously one of the BEST pieces of home/gym equipment you can own. They’re very cheap and really target your Glutes like nothing else! If you’re serious about building your booty, make sure you invest in these! Click here to view it

If you always wake up with sore ‘legs’ instead of a sore ‘butt’ the next day, it is possible that your glutes are not working as they should. Check out my post here on how to activate your butt properly prior to your leg or butt workout.

So here we go… the six most effective exercises to grow that booty, in no order of importance.


There are many variations of hip thrusts such as Glute bridges, Single-leg Glute bridges, Frog pumps or Barbell/Weighted hip thrusts. Increase the challenge by adding a resistance band just above your knees.

Key points:

*Don’t overarch your lower back as you lift up

*Squeeze for 2 seconds at the top of the movement


You can do these on the Smith machine, or use weights and do Static lunges. Lunges really target your booty if done correctly.

Key points:

*Push from the heel of your front foot as you lift up. That’s your working side.

*Don’t let your knee go over your front toe

*The wider you lunge, the more you target those glutes


Regular squats are quite useless to grow your booty as they are more ‘Quad-focused’.

So don’t waste your time with those 30-day Squat challenges.

Sumo squats, on the other hand, are really effective to target your butt. Hold a weight in front of you with arms straight down to increase the intensity.

Some variations are Sumo squat pulses, Elevated Sumo squats, Cable squats (very effective) and Sumo deadlifts.

Key points:

*Focus on your Glute muscle contracting throughout the move

*Sit back when you lower, don’t lean forward


These should be included in every butt workout as they are very effective and really isolate those booty muscles. Some variations are Kneeling kick-backs and Resistance band kick-backs.

If you don’t have ankle straps, I highly recommend investing in a pair. They are very versatile and can be used with resistance bands or cable machines. Click here to view ankle straps

Key points:

*Don’t arch your lower back when you lift your leg

*Squeeze at the top of the move for 1 sec

*Don’t swing or use momentum


If your lower back hurts while doing these, then try Sumo deadlifts. If done correctly, deadlifts are one of the best exercises to work your posterior chain. Some variations of these are Straight leg deadlifts and Cable pull-throughs.

Key points:

*Use light weights until your form is on-point or you will seriously injure your lower back

*Squeeze for 1 sec at the top of the move without arching your lower back

*Focus on contracting your butt throughout the move


Do these at the end of your workout as a ‘finisher’ to really challenge the side of your booty to shape up.

Variations include Fire Hydrants, Clams or Side leg raises.

Use a resistance band above your knees to isolate those booty muscles.

Key points:

*Use a shorter range of motion, like short pulses

*Lean forward to really target those glutes

Click here to view Machine abductors

Click here to view Fire hydrants

Click here to view Clams (with or without bands)

I have personally used these exercises in my workouts and have had AMAZING results in a very short time. The best Bikini Athlete coaches also recommend these exercises, so they actually work!

Here is a sample workout so you can get started right away:

If you don’t have access to a gym, do the variations mentioned above. For best results, do these workouts at least 2-3x times a week. Mix and match the exercises to create variety in your workouts.

Warm-up (20 reps x 2 sets) – with or without resistance bands

Glute bridges
Standing kick-backs

Workout (15 reps x 3-4 sets)

Hip Thrusts
Reverse Lunges
Sumo Squat
Cable/Regular kick-backs

Finisher (20reps x 3-4 sets)

Abductor machine pulses

There you have it! Try these out and let me know if you notice a difference =)

If you are looking for a strength routine to shape your body and grow your curves, make sure to take a look at the Strong Curves Guide. It was written by a Glute expert and his workouts are followed by many popular fitness experts.

Stop Wasting Your Money for Hair Straightening! This Simple Kitchen Ingredient Can Give You Straight Hair Naturally!

That’s right – this simple ingredient will help you straighten your hair! Cheap and Simple! Sounds amazing, right?! Well, yes it is. Just take a look at the article below and find out more about this. Long straight hair are very popular these days. Ladies spend many hours and thousands of their money for hair straightening at salon.

For this treatment your hairs are exposed to lot of  chemicals and heat, although they give you desired results but in long term they will only damage your hair. So what can you do about it, here natural remedies comes into the picture.

Today we are going to share one natural remedy that will open all your curls and will make them straight, smoother and shinier.

Coconut milk and lemon mask to have straight hair

This hair mask will turn all curly hair to straight in an all natural way without use of any chemical or heat

Ingredients required:

  • 1 Cup coconut oil
  • 2 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 Lemon juice (about 4 tablespoon)
  • 3 Tablespoon cornstarch

The process to follow:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a large bowl. Stir this mixture continuously on medium heat until the consistency becomes creamy.
  2. Apply this mixture to your hair and then cover it with a shower cap.
  3. Cover the shower cap with a hot towel and leave it like that for an hour or so.
  4. Rinse with shampoo and conditioner.

Ladies, thank you for your time and don’t hesitate to share this article with your friends and family. Thank you and have a good one!

Friday 26 July 2019


Obesity from overeating is one of the biggest health issues that the so-called Gen Y is facing at present. Bad working hours, long school hours and an overall boring existence has left them only one pleasure: food; junk, oily, fast and sugary food that does release a lot of dopamine in their system, but also causes death in way so slow that it doesn’t even seem like a danger.

Moreover, the end result of sugar intake doesn’t help the consumer’s purpose. They do it to get some kick out of it, but end up, in the long run, overweight and with diseases like diabetes, increased blood pressure, heart issues and insulin tolerance, which as a sum leads to further depression and a far more painful existence.

Sugars are like energy currency to the body. It is the only substance that can be used to produce energy in the human body. All other nutrients, proteins for example, are converted into sugars first and then expended.

But too much sugar accumulates as fat. The body treats it like reserves for a drought that never comes.

Excess sugars can also cause yeast infections, in case you didn’t know, because the body excretes sugar as urine, some of which accumulates in the urinary passages, inviting infecting yeast spores.

It is of utmost importance hence to cleanse the body of excess sugars, in order to prevent future lapses of health.

Here is a three-day detox programme that will help you fight the accumulation of sugar in your body.

It is a diet that will force your body to use up its sugar reserves and create the energy it requires to go about better.

Day 1
For breakfast have some oats (about a cup in volume) with assorted fruits. Recommended fruits include berries, blueberries, apples and pears. You can put in some nuts like almonds and cashews for good measure.

You can totally replace that with three eggs, scrambled or boiled depending on your taste and mood.

For lunch try a boiled breast of chicken with assorted green vegetables like spinach. Put in other starch-free vegetables too, to supplement your fibre intake.

For dinner try some lean salmon and butternut squash, boiled beans and greens.

Day 2
Repeat the previous breakfast. Or if you want to mix things up, try cereals instead of oats and use some skimmed milk with it.

For lunch, try some zucchini stir fried with mushrooms and tofu. You can try an assorted tossed salad with a dash of olive oil too.

Try a potluck vegetable soup. Put in non-starchy veggies like cabbages, mushrooms, Chinese cabbages, cauliflowers, Brussels sprouts, green beans, etc. for dinner.

Day 3
Try one of the three plausible options for breakfast. Change up the berries and fruits if it helps.

For lunch, try some pan-roasted chicken thighs with thyme, basil and rosemary. Spices are absolutely sugar-free, so go ahead knock yourself out.

For dinner try a vegetable broth.

Believe us, you will see results.

To keep on seeing results, try to wean yourself off the sugar you put in your coffee or, even better, replace the coffee with an herbal tea.


A good detox smoothie recipe should include a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables that fight inflammation and toxins while nourishing and rebuilding any damaged tissues or organs. Herbs, spices, nuts, and seeds are also great for keeping you fuller longer as well as for providing necessary omega fatty acids.

1. Cranberry Beet Smoothie
This recipe packs in a great deal of variety into one little smoothie. Ingredients include beets, beet greens, cranberries, peaches, cucumber, avocado, lime, a banana, and blueberries. Cranberries are especially great for supporting the urinary tract and preventing urinary tract infections by blocking bad bacteria from binding to the lining of the urinary tract.


  • 1 small-medium beet, washed with top and bottom cut off
  • 1/2 cup of the beet greens cut off from the beet, washed
  • 1 cup frozen or fresh cranberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen peaches
  • 2 inches cucumber, diced
  • 1/4-1/2 avocado
  • juice and zest of 1 lime
  • 3/4 cup water + more as needed
  • Optional Add-Ins
  • 1 small banana peeled if you need more sweetness
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries to boost up the antioxidant content


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Add more water as needed for desired consistency.
  3. If you don’t have a high-speed blender add the beet, greens, and water to the blender first and blend until chopped.
  4. Then add the additional ingredients and puree until smooth.
  5. Serve immediately or up to 3 days covered tightly in the fridge.

choose organic ingredients when possible.

2. Ginger-Mint Detox Smoothie
This smoothie helps you fight that awful bloated feeling (and its symptoms). It’s full of anti-inflammatory ingredients such as romaine lettuce, cucumber, coconut water, ginger, lime, and mint. Mint does an excellent job of stimulating the digestion system, which helps make the digestive process more efficient (thus decreasing the opportunity for bloating).


  • 1 cucumber (peeled)
  • 6-8 leaves romaine lettuce
  • 1 cup coconut water (chilled)
  • 1 lime (freshly squeezed)
  • 1-inch fresh ginger
  • 1 bunch fresh mint

Combine all ingredients in a blender until pureed. Serve and enjoy immediately.

3. Life-Changing Green Drink
Cilantro and parsley are two life-changing herbs that should be included in your daily diet. Cilantro is high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron, which is needed for supporting red blood cell production. Parsley is a diuretic that may be able to help flush toxins through the urinary tract. Cilantro and parsley also have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 1 (packed) c. dark greens (any you like, including kale, chard, spinach, mustard greens, dandelion greens, etc.)
  • 1 handful parsley
  • 1 handful cilantro
  • 8 fresh basil leaves (optional)
  • 1 small apple
  • 1/2 lemon or lime
  • 1-2 c. water, as needed for blending

Blend all until smooth (1-2 minutes)

4. Pineapple Ginger Lime Mango Detox Drink
Mangoes and pineapples are a powerful anti-inflammatory duo that supports the digestive system, which is needed for efficient nutrient absorption, detoxification purposes, and for metabolism support. Pineapple is high in the trace mineral manganese, which is important for energy production and antioxidant defenses. It is also high in the B vitamin thiamine that is also needed for energy production.

  • 1 cup of frozen / fresh pineapple
  • 1/2 cup of frozen mango or fresh mango Fresh Mango fruit is sweeter when ripened
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1-inch fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Extra: Chia Seeds sprinkle

Add all ingredients above in a blender and blend until its smooth

5. Green On Green On Green Smoothie
Green vegetables such as kale are a great source of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives green vegetables their spectacular color.

Chlorophyll eliminates toxins in the body by acting as a diuretic. It also helps alkalize the body by providing oxygen to tissues via the blood, which helps eliminates toxins through the process of respiration.


  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, about 6 ounces, peeled and cut into large chunks
  • 2 large leaves of curly kale or lacianto kale, stems removed
  • 1 pear, cored and cut into large chunks
  • 3-4 celery ribs, about 2 ounces, cut into large chunks
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • ½ cup pineapple juice
  • 3-4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender and liquify. If the mixture is too thick, add a little bit of water or more pineapple juice.

6. Orange Avocado Green Smoothie
Oranges are known for being high in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system by acting like an antioxidant. Oranges are also great for aiding in digestion and reducing intestinal gas. They also help cleanse the blood and liver, making them a great ingredient to add to a detox smoothie.


  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup diced apple
  • 1 cup diced orange
  • 1 cup diced avocado
  • 1-1 1/2 tbs sweetener like honey, agave (optional)
  • 1 tbs chia seeds (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I use the Vitamix and blend on ‘High’ until smooth.


  1. Greens: Spinach can be substituted with any other green leafy vegetables like kale, celery, collard or Swiss chard.
  2. Liquid: Substitute almond milk with other milk like soy or cashew, coconut water, green tea, juice or plain water.

  3. Fruit:                                                                                                                                                                                              a. At least one cup of fruit has to be creamy. So substitute avocado with mango, peach or banana.                        b. The remaining fruit can be any fruit like kiwi, berries, pears, grapes, pineapple..etc. Other creamy fruit can be included as well.
  4. Boosts: Chia seeds can be substituted with hemp seeds or flax seed.

7. Detox Purple Smoothie
Raspberries and blackberries are not only delicious; they are also high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Raspberries have been shown to reduce inflammation and the reproduction of cancer cells in breast, colon, prostate, cervical, and esophageal cancers. They may also be able to stabilize blood sugar levels.


  • ½ cup raspberries
  • ½ cup blackberries
  • 1 large banana
  • 1-1/2 cup red cabbage, chopped
  • ½ cup red beets, chopped
  • ½ cup baby spinach
  • ½ cup Chobani Greek yogurt (plain non-fat)
  • ¼ cup Simply Orange Mango juice (or any other flavor you like)
  • 1 cup water


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend on high until smooth.
  3. Chill smoothies in the fridge until you’re ready to drink them.
  4. Serve cold.


1 Feel free to adjust the amount of water/juice you put into your smoothie so that you achieve your desired consistency.

Wednesday 24 July 2019


Everyone who struggles to get rid of their swollen belly seeks all possible ways to reduce it. The best and easiest way to achieve this is with Sassy Water.

This recipe transforms ordinary water into a powerful belly fat burner! It also improves and strengthens your overall health. Sassy Water improves digestion, balances your equilibrium, and has almost 0 calories.

There is also a diet called the “Flat Belly Diet” invented by Cynthia Sass and is based on water consumption to produce weight loss. Even if you drink 8 glasses of water a day, you must still consider water retention and electrolyte balance.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger (fresh)
  • 1 medium sized lemon, thinly sliced into rounds
  • 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced into rounds
  • 12 small mint leaves

Mix all ingredients in a large pitcher and let sit overnight in the refrigerator.

Drink 4-5 glasses throughout the day.

You can start drinking the solution in the morning before breakfast for better and faster results.

You will feel like you’ve lost 1 pound after the first two hours.

Nutritionists say that regular consumption of this water, along with moderate physical activity, can melt belly fat and helps alleviate a swollen belly.


In case the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient amounts of hormones, it comes to a condition known as hypothyroidism.

These hormones are extremely important as they regulate the function of the heart and brain, cholesterol levels, respiration, and body temperature.  Hypothyroidism leads to numerous serious health issues, including heart disorders, joint pain, obesity, and infertility.

These are the most common hypothyroidism symptoms:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Irritability
  • Cold intolerance
  • Low libido
  • Depression
  • Weakness

This is how to prepare this natural juice:

  • ¼ teaspoon of lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon of dry ginger
  • 1 cup of cranberry juice
  • ¾ tablespoon of orange juice
  • ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon

Method of preparation:
Boil 2 glasses of water, and add the ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cranberry juice. Mix well and leave it for 20 minutes. Then, add the lemon and orange juice, and the drink is ready.

You can drink it immediately. It will boost your metabolism and regulate the function of the thyroid. It is also abundant in vitamins, so it will strengthen the immunity and prevent inflammation and various diseases and health conditions.

Additionally, this drink will improve digestion and help you use excess pounds.

Monday 22 July 2019


We all hate when our white laundry turns gray, and we keep trying to find a way to remove stains from them and restore their original white color.

Unfortunately, most of the over-the- counter products we buy fail to provide the effects we desire. However, the following tip will save your white laundry!

Apparently, an ordinary aspirin pill can be as effective as commercial stain removing agents and bleaches.

This is all you need to do:
You should add five300 mg aspirin tablets in 2 gallons of hot water and leave them to dissolve. To do this quickly and help them act faster, you can crush the pills. Then, soak your white laundry in the solution, and leave them thus overnight.

In the morning, place the clothes in the washing machine, add a few aspirin pills again, and wash them as usually.

Believe it or not, the effects will leave you speechless! This procedure will not damage the fabrics, but it will remove dirt, unlike commercial bleaches. Try it and you will definitely wear your white clothes more often! They will look fresh and new again!


There are a few gynecological insider facts that each lady should know with a specific end goal to stay away from potential vaginal diseases.


As indicated by specialists, numerous ladies who take pills for conception prevention cause diminished lib*do. This does not make a difference just to ladies of regenerative age. Ladies in menopause who drink these pills to control different side effects, for example, state of mind changes can feel the lessening of “s*x” want. This is gynecological mystery N. 1.


Doubtlessly the exact opposite thing that rings a bell when you have a migraine is to have s*x. Be that as it may, don’t be astonished in the event that you feel a more noteworthy want to get physically involved with your accomplice inside 24 hours earlier headache’s troubling. Specialists think that its hard to clarify this wonder. As indicated by them, in all probability it happens in light of hoisted levels of serotonin, which specialists accept that needs to do with s*xual hunger.


Ongoing reviews demonstrate that 20% of ladies who have a headache the torment diminishes after an orga*m. It isn’t the first occasion when that the orga*m ties to the help of agony. Numerous ladies assert that orga*m helps in lessening or killing menstrual spasms.


Tme most important thing is the complete hygiene of our health as well as our body. Unhygienic people can become quite uncomfortable for anyone. Nowadays, bad breath is something many people around the world face with.It affects their self-esteem and makes them feel embarrassed. Here, we’re going to present you an amazing natural remedy against bad breath. Numerous problems can cause bad breath: fungus, bacteria, food, drink etc.

This natural remedy will only take you 5 minutes every day and you’ll get rid of bad breath once and for all!Remedy Against Bad BreathTake a look at this amazing recipe and refresh your bad breath!


  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • A cup of warm water
  • 1/2 a tablespoon of cinnamon powder
  • A spoonful of honey
  • A spoonful of baking soda


  • Along with the honey and cinnamon add the juice of the lemons into a clean container.
  • Then, add the warm water and the baking soda.
  • Move the preparation into a bottle and shake it well.
  • Use this powerful remedy as mouthwash. With one or 2 tablespoons of itrinse your mouth and doing some gargle.
  • Honey and cinnamon are full of various powerful antibacterial properties. Bicarbonate has whitening properties and lemon is the one that will give you a refreshing and clean breath.


We all have seen on the Internet thousands of natural solutions for losing weight. However, this powerful treatment with ginger water is different, and it really works. Explore all the amazing benefits of ginger water for weight loss and burning the most complex fats in the body.

The benefits of ginger water for weight loss are really amazing. With this powerful treatment, you can easily burn fat from the hips, hips and waist. In addition to the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of ginger water for weight loss, you can also take this powerful drink to combat other health problems.


It regulates cholesterol levels: ginger water can fight high cholesterol levels in the body, thus preventing all types of diseases associated with this disease.

Hypertension: This powerful drink also helps regulate blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood clots in the arteries and fight them.

Powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent: ginger water can successfully fight inflammation, joint problems and diseases such as rheumatism or osteoarthritis.

Powerful antioxidant: this incredible drink also fights free radicals, which often cause cancer.

Anti-cancer agent: due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger water is one of the most powerful natural remedies for the prevention and control of cancer.



  • Some thin slices of ginger root
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • lemon juice (optional)

To make ginger water, you just need to boil water and add pieces of ginger. Allow the mixture to boil for 15 minutes. Remove the drug from the heat, let it cool, strain, add a little lemon and leave! Drink a glass every day before breakfast and one before dinner.

Saturday 20 July 2019

8 Simple Exercises to Reduce Lower Belly Fat

We all want to be physically fit and attractive, but that lower belly fat really stands out! We all know that we need to exercise in order to lose weight, but are there any simple workouts we can do that are specifically aimed at our lower belly? The answer is yes! In fact, there are eight of them, and we’ll discuss them in length:

1-)Double Leg Lifts. Lie down facing the ceiling. Rest your hands beside your waist. Lift your legs so that they are parallel to the floor. Then, try to raise your legs towards the ceiling before going back to your original position. Try to do this without moving the torso.

2-)Crunches. Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees so that they form an upside down “v-shape.” Rest your hands under your head. Lift your shoulders off the ground as you pull your legs towards your ribcage. Repeat for as many times as you can.

3-)Flutter Kicks. Lie with your head facing upwards and your hands underneath your buttocks. Lift your legs above the ground. Raise your left and right feet alternately without touching the ground.

4-)Criss Cross. Lie on the ground. Place your hands beneath your head. Incline your legs slightly upwards, making sure they do not touch the floor. Raise your head and shoulders to the left as you pull your right knee towards your left elbow. Switch; left knee to right elbow. Continue alternating for as long as you can.

5-)Rolling Plank Exercise. This exercise requires you to switch between three planking exercises simultaneously. For the position A, carry the weight of your body by resting your arms and toes to the ground. For position B, use your left arm and left foot to carry your body. Position C is similar to B, this time using the right arm and right foot. Use the A, B, A, C, A, B, and-so-on pattern to wrap up.

6-)Exercise Ball Crunch. For this exercise, you’re going to need a workout ball. Lie with your back on the ball and your feet on the ground. Make sure your feet are perpendicular to your thighs and to the floor. Place your hands on your chest. Push your torso upward and forward then lower back down. Inhale as you go back to the original position and exhale as you crunch. Repeat at least 20 times.

7-)Hip Lifts. Lie down so that you’re facing the ceiling. Curl your knees upwards and make it so the soles of your feet remain on the ground while the toes are slightly inclined. Thrust your hip upwards then revert into resting position. Keep doing this for 15 times.

8 -)Vertical Leg Crunch. Lie on your back and raise your legs and arms so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Lift your shoulders and try to touch your feet. Do this 30 times.


Just as the latest statistics stated, some of the experts have said that many woman worldwide have suffered from this health issue and that one is vaginitis. This is a sign that you should e very careful and never ignore these common symptoms and these are the genital itching, the swelling of the mucus membranes, some smelling secretion and abdominal pain.

Have you heard of vaginitis?

It is an aggravation of the coating of the lady part which is caused by the pathogenic microorganisms and parasites. This is a disease that affects around thirty percent of the woman of childbearing age and in case you want to understand the cause of vaginitis, it is highly important to know that the vagina is a home for numerous microorganisms (some beneficial and some pathogenic)and their balance depends on the age, the lifestyle and also the function of the woman’s ovaries.

Note: a few known experts have noticed that all of these things can affect the content of glycogen in the vaginal wall that is transformed into a high concentration of lactic acid and as well prevent the spreading of the bad bacteria. The environment of the vagina that is alkaline can cause many different diseases and if you are using antibiotics to treat this issue you should be aware of the fact that it can exacerbate the problem and cause a spread of fungal infections. There are some drugs and some chemicals that might cause allergic reactions and dryness. But do not be worried because this is a lucky day. There exist natural remedies that can help while coping with this problem and we will show you the best ones in this article.

The remedies from home that will be mentioned can normalize the miroflora of the vagina and also to eliminate the unwanted signs of vaginitis. It is important to be noted that just before starting the treatment you will be in need for some tests and find out what have caused the disease (yeast or bacteria). This is one remedy that is made at home and is actually very simple as well as easy to be made. You will only need to follow some simple instructions and here is what you need to do.


It is a very simple one, and you will only need two tablespoons of 9% acidity vinegar mixed with four cups of boiling water and then, you should rinse the external parts of your vagina with this liquid. Repeat the process every day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Chamomile Tea

Firstly, boil four cups of water and include two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and stew them for five minutes, and after that rinse and wash with the potion while also taking into account the severity of the disease. Ensure that you are utilizing this strategy just until the point that the microflora is normalized. Take into consideration giving the lemon juice cure a try.

Lemon juice

Please take into consideration the lemon juice remedy that is actually very simple. Dissolve one spoon of lemon juice into four cups of lukewarm water and then douche with this mixture. After doing this, know that the experts say that in order to prevent further vaginal infections, eat dairy products , use underwear made of natural fabrics and for the intimate hygiene use gentle products that contain lactic acid. Please do not forget that it is also very important for your partner to take good care of his hygiene before intercourse so that way you will minimize the introduction of foreign bacteria into the vagina. We are hoping you find this article helpful and do not forget to share it.

Skin Brightening GLOW SERUM For Crystal Clear Skin, Summers Special

An amazing glowing facial serum which will help in the lightening of skin tone and also helps in giving bright and spotless skin. This facial serum is amazing for summers as it soothes the skin by providing a cooling effect.  Repeat this procedure 3 times in a week for best results.

Ingredients you will need –

  • 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of rose water
  • 1 teaspoon of beetroot juice
  • 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice
  • 4 drops of lemongrass essential oil

Method –

  1. In a clean bowl add all the above ingredients and mix well.
  2. You can store this in a refrigerator for 15 days.
  3. Apply this to your skin daily and massage for 5 minutes,
  4. Then rinse it off with normal water.

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the redness of skin and get rid of acne and pimples. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing excess oil and impurities from pores.

Aloe Vera gel has immense beauty benefits and helps the skin by providing moisture, reducing dark spots, sunburns and other blemishes on your face.

Olive oil contains plenty of anti-oxidants such as oleic acid that help in protecting the skin from the harmful impact of free radicals which hasten the process of anti-aging.

Beetroot helps in glowing up the skin, it eliminates wrinkles and fine lines helping to enhance the skin texture and increasing the elasticity

Cucumber contains a lot of nutrients like magnesium and calcium. It is very healthy for the skin as it removes eye bags, dark eye area, dark circles, and dark patches.

Tuesday 16 July 2019


Fat in the body that’s not used as energy is stored as fat reserves or deposits. The most critical areas on your body that accumulate fat include your abdomen, thighs and arms. Even though the market is loaded with weight loss supplements and products that promise miracles in weeks, these will only give short-term effects, if any. But, if you want to maintain your goal weight in the long run, these simple practices can do a world of difference.

1 Drink Lots of Lime Water

Tart taste may not be everyone’s favorite, but it’s an amazing fat burner. Simply mix some lemon or lime juice into a cup of warm water without adding any sweeteners to stimulate the fat-burning process in your body and help digestion. All citrus fruits, especially lemons and limes, are packed with polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, which are extremely effective when it comes to lipid metabolism. They are particularly beneficial for treatment of dyslipidemia, obesity, and atherosclerosis, among other things.

2 Swap Some Meats for Soy

According to FDA, swapping animal protein for about 25 gm of soybean protein can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Some tempeh or tofu, or miso can be a great alternative to steak. Also, you can include more soy milk, soy cheese or soy yogurt into your daily diet.

3 Include Some ACV into Your Diet

Similarly to lime juice, ACV can boost digestion, lower appetite, and reduce fat accumulation when mixed with a glass of warm water and drunk daily before main meals. In other words, apple cider vinegar is much more than a salad dressing. In fact, it’s a great weight-loss tool that can reduce your BMI, body weight, and waist circumference.

4 Spice Up Your Life

Hot and spicy food such as chillies is much more than a spicy addition to your meals. The thing is capsinoids in red peppers increase fat metabolism meaning they stimulate burning of excess abdominal fat.

5 Cardamom Kickstart

Cardamom is an amazing metabolism booster according to Ayurveda. This spice also reduces cholesterol levels and stimulates the fat burning process in the body. A study found that only 3 gr of cardamom powder daily can improve lipid profile.

6 Turn To Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic remedy that naturally improves metabolism, cuts inflammation linked to excess weight, lowers stress and anxiety, and maintains cortisol levels in balancek. One way to use this herb is to crush the leaves or roots, mix them with water and consume. Alternatively, you can use it as a powder (churna) or as a supplement from an Ayurvedic practitioner.

7 Get Exotic!

Curry leaves have been found extremely helpful in reducing blood cholesterol levels, while fenugreek seeds prevent fat buildup in the liver. You can add curry leaves to green smoothies or to your meals to spice them up. Fenugreek seeds are best soaked in warm water overnight then eaten plain in the morning. A spoonful a day is all you need. You can also consume them powdered and stirred into warm water.


Belly fat is a common cause of worry to both men and women. It affects even slim people with a flat stomach. When it comes to fat, there are two types – one fat is under your skin while the other is deeper inside your body, surrounding your internal organs, including your lungs, liver, heart etc.

Apart from being unappealing, belly fat is also really unhealthy, especially visceral fat – the one that’s deeper in the abdomen. Excess belly fat can be the reason for type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart diseases, insulin resistance, some types of cancer, dementia, high blood pressure and many more.

The fundamental purpose behind belly fat is your way of life, your age and how dynamic you are. If you need to lose belly fat, you have to make a few improvements throughout your life.

Exercise – 30 minutes of moderate exercise no less than 5 days a week.

Diet – when you lose weight, you lose belly fat also.

Reduce the worries and have enough rest.

Be that as it may, regardless of the possibility that you tried each one of those tips, despite everything you have stomach fat- Do not worry! There is still hope!

Here is the best homemade solution to lose belly fat: Ginger Lemon Honey Tea!!

You will need:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 peeled and sliced ginger
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


Add the ginger to the water, and leave it to stay for 10 minutes to bubble. Remove it from the stove. You should add the lemon juice. Blend it and add honey.
Drink one cup of this tea in the morning. For best results, have 2-3 cups a day.

Ginger is thermo genic agent. That implies that ginger raise body temperature and aid in the process of burning fat. Ginger additionally represses cortisol production. That is steroid hormone vital for energy regulation and mobilization.

You can transform body in 4 weeks with these 5 simple exercises

When it comes to overall health, consistent exercise and a healthy diet are of essential importance. It has been proved that the healthy eating habits drive to a happier life and a greater success.

Nevertheless, besides the beginning of healthy and nutrient-rich foods, exercising is also remarkably significant. The following five exercises will assist you to waste extra weight, reduce the waistline size, and become a healthy and attractive figure in less than a month.

1. Plank
Planks are significantly useful, and they strengthen the shoulders and drive to ripped abs. You should begin in a push-up stance on the ground, turn the elbows to 90 degrees, while making a straight line of the entire body, and continue as much as possible without moving the butt or waist.

2. Squats
The feet should be shoulder-width aside, move the shoulders down and back away from shoulders, and spread the arms in front of the body.

Next, progressively bend the knees, bring the hips front, and lower yourself to bring the thighs in a parallel state to the ground, with a straight back.

Push the feet into the ground to return to the initial state. Squats strengthen your core, support the fat burning process, and build the hams, quads, and calves.

3. Bird-Dog
You should be in a plank pose, and prop yourself on the knees and hands. Next, extend one leg and the opposite arm concurrently, and keep the body balanced. Wait for a few seconds, reverse to the first state, and change sides. This exercise will strengthen the abs and the lower back.

4. Lying Hip Raises

While lying on the ground, bend the knees and hold the feet flat on the ground. Stretch them out to your sides at a 45° angle, squeeze the glutes and raise the hips upward, by tilting the pelvis.

Next, return to the initial state, and repeat the exercise. This exercise will strengthen the abs, back, thighs, glutes, and hamstrings.

5. Push-ups
You should be in a plank pose, and then place the hands below the shoulders to force the whole body up. The back, the buttock, and the legs should be in a straight line. Next, return to the ground and repeat. Push-ups target all body muscles so that they will strengthen the whole body.

The 4-Week Exercise Plan
This method contains two key workouts:

1st Workout

  • Plank – 1 minute;
  • Push-ups – 1 minute;
  • Squats – 2 minutes;
  • Bird-dog – 1 minute;
  • Lying hip raises – 1 minute;
  • Plank – 1 minute;
  • Push-ups – 1 minute;
  • Squats – 2 minutes
  • Rest for 10 seconds.

2nd Workout

  • Plank – 3 minutes;
  • Bird-dog – 3 minutes;
  • Lying hip raises – 3 minutes;
  • Push-ups – 1 minute
  • Rest for 15 seconds.

Here is the schedule for the entire month:

1st Week

  • 1st Day – 1st Workout
  • 2nd Day – 2nd Workout
  • 3rd Day – 1st Workout
  • 4th Day – 2nd Workout
  • 5th Day – 1st Workout
  • 6th Day – 2nd Workout
  • 7th Day – rest

2nd Week

  • 1st Day – 2nd Workout
  • 2nd Day – 1st Workout
  • 3rd Day – 2nd Workout
  • 4th Day – 1st Workout
  • 5th Day – 2nd Workout
  • 6th Day – 1st Workout
  • 7th Day – rest

After the second week, you should follow the plan of the first week once more and then end with the plan for the second week.

Within this month, you will strengthen the body, enhance your health, and energize the body.

Innovative Method to Get Rid of Gray Hair Without Dying

Some humans are pleased with their white hairs. But others find their white hairs tough. Especially whilst they’re most effective partial, a...