Sunday 24 December 2017

Raw Honey+Coconut Oil & Cinnamon-DIY Cough Drops That Will Save You A Trip To The Doctor's

This time of the season, even though we are all celebrating and enjoying the holidays, it is also the time of the flu, so you need to try and prevents its symptoms, such as coughing, sore throat, and sniffling.

Numerous people immediately reach towards lozenges, but even though they fight a cough successfully, they are high in dangerous chemicals that lead to other side effects and do not address the root of the problem.

Even though a cough can be quite irritating, but it is a natural reflex, whose purpose is beneficial, as it clears the large passages from microbes, secretions, microbes and foreign particles.

Since we are living in an increasingly toxic environment, coughing protects us against deadly particles and we manage to prevent numerous airborne diseases.

Yet, if a cough is temporary and painless, it can be of help, but if it is chronic, it must be treated immediately.

A cough treatment should treat the real cause as it sometimes needs to cure the body. Some cough lozenges have ingredients which alleviate the congestion and directly affect the heart rate.

Although pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, dextromethorphan, ephedrine suppress cough symptoms, they might cause adverse effects and interact with other medications.

The following natural cough drops are delicious and involve ingredients which strengthen the immune system and accelerate the recovery time. This is how to prepare it:


  • 100g raw organic honey
  • 100ml of coconut oil
  • A pinch of Ceylon cinnamon

Health benefits of the ingredients:

Raw organic honey has potent antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties which soothe a sore throat and alleviate a cough. A recent study has shown that honey is even more effective in relieving nighttime cough in children than the main ingredient in children’s cough syrup.

Raw honey also treats inflammation in the respiratory system, treats breathing difficulties, cleanses the liver, and supports the intestinal health.

On another hand, the coconut oil is high in lauric acid which destroys bad bacteria, fungi, and viruses and helps you prevent will infections. It also supports the absorption of minerals in the bones and reduces blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.


Pour the coconut oil into a bowl and whip it until it becomes nice and frothy. Then, gradually add the honey and go on whipping in order to get a full and thick paste. In the end, add the cinnamon.

Next, pour the mixture into empty ice cube trays and freeze them for half an hour. You can keep the cough drops in a glass Mason jar in the fridge for up to 2 months.

These cough drops can also be used as a preventative measure on a daily basis.

Friday 22 December 2017

Few Drops of This In Your Ears and 60% of Your Hearing Recovers! Even Old People Are Surprised by This Simple Remedy

Numerous people are suffering from auditory issues, and they dramatically impede regular activities and reduce the quality of life

However, people usually treat auditory problems with commercial drops and medicines. Yet, we will reveal the recipe of an incredibly effective natural remedy which in most successful cases recovers 60% of your hearing.

The main ingredient of this natural remedy is garlic, which is a common food in almost all cuisines in the world.

This is how to prepare it:

You will need:

  • 4 garlic cloves
  • Olive oil
  • A dropper
  • Cotton or gauze


Clean, and mince your garlic. You can also use a garlic press. Transfer it to a jar, and pour in extra virgin olive oil. Keep the jar in a light spot for a day or two, but keep it away from direct sun exposure. Strain the oil, and store it in a dark and cool place.

Before using pour the garlic oil in the dropper.


You should put 3-4 drops in the affected ear, and close it with the cotton or gauze. Then, lay down to rest until you feel the improvements.

You should use this remedy regularly until you solve your problem.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

How to Make Ginger Drink to Reduce Pain, Arthritis, Bad Cholesterol and High Blood Sugar

Ginger has been traditionally used in the holistic medicine for centuries, as it is high in useful components that help in the treatments of multiple ailments and health conditions, like arthritis and stomach disorders.

Today, we will tell you a recipe of a special ginger drink which soothes pain, regulates bad cholesterol and high blood sugar and treats arthritis. It is known as ginger beer, and you can prepare it at home, from some lemon juice, a bit of sugar, and fresh or dried ginger.

Numerous studies have confirmed the potent capacity of ginger to alleviate back and muscle pain, as well as chronic pain, and degenerative or rheumatoid arthritis. Here is how to prepare it:


  • 200 grams of peeled and finely chopped ginger
  • Lemon slices
  • Several drops of lime juice
  • 225 grams of sugar
  • 450 ml of filtrated water
  • 115 ml of sparkling water

Method of preparation:

Pour the filtered water into a pot and bring it to boil. As soon as it starts boiling, add the ginger, lower the heat, and cook it for 5 minutes. Then, leave it aside for 20 minutes, and strain it.

In another bowl, dissolve the sugar with a cup of the filtrated and boiled water to prepare the syrup. Mix 1/3 a cup of it with ½ cup of ginger juice and half a cup of mineral water. In the end, add the lime juice and some organic honey to taste. You can garnish it with lemon slices.

These are the health benefits of the ginger beer:

  • it soothes pain and inflammation
  • it helps digestion
  • it calms stomach upsets
  • it fights flu and common colds
  • it regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • it prevents cancer
  • It boosts blood circulation
  • it prevents cardiovascular issues.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Drink This Ginger-Turmeric Mixture Before Bed to Clean Your Liver And Never Wake Up Tired Again

Have you ever heard of golden milk? This mixture of spices and herbs with coconut oil and coconut milk is a tasty drink which is a rich source of nutrient, and offers a myriad of health benefits!
You can drink it during the entire day, but most people drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach, and before going to bed.

This drink is in fact called Haldi ka doodh, which translates to turmeric milk. It is believed to be a popular recipe from the Ayurveda. This ancient healing system from India uses this drink as a natural remedy in order to detoxify the body, regulate blood sugar, treat inflammation, and much more.

This magical, creamy drink offers numerous benefits, and we will reveal the method of its preparation, and how to use it.

It is actually a mixture of coconut milk, coconut oil, ginger root, turmeric, and black pepper. You can sweeten it with honey. Turmeric is the most potent ingredient, which has numerous medicinal properties and offers various health advantages.

The drink is traditionally made as milk and heated up, but it can also be added to meals, pastes, teas, and soups.

To explain its numerous benefits, we should initially look through the properties of its ingredients.

First of all, the main ingredient, turmeric, is a potent natural remedy in the treatment of muscle and joint pain, liver disease, skin issues, respiratory illnesses, gastrointestinal problems, arthritis.

It also supports overall health, and the strong anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties treat the inflammation in the case of chronic and autoimmune diseases.

Studies have also confirmed that it treats allergies and intolerances, prevents degenerative cognitive illnesses like Alzheimer’s and dementia,  improves and stabilizes blood sugar, treats depression, detoxifies the liver from environmental toxins by neutralizing free radicals, and even treats cancer.

Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, soothes menstrual pain, regulates blood sugar, fights nausea, helps digestion, and eases cold symptoms.

Coconut milk is high in vitamin B, Magnesium, electrolytes, and fatty acids which regulate blood sugar, support joint pain and prevent weight gain.

Coconut oil, on the other hand, effectively heals wounds, boosts immunity, helps digestion, helps weight loss, moisturizes the skin, and prevents liver and kidney disease.

Black pepper helps the absorption of turmeric, but it also fights free radicals, treats cold symptoms, helps digestion, and fights anemia.

Honey has powerful antibacterial properties, so it relieves common colds and allergies, relaxes the body and helps with sleep.

Hence, this turmeric milks is simply a natural health bomb!

Furthermore, its preparation is easy and quick. Here is how to make this remedy:

Golden Milk Recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • A small piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and minced
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 2 cups of coconut milk*
  • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
  • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)

* you can also use other types of milk, but avoid dairy, as it might cause various health issues, like lactose intolerance, eczema, allergies, acne, hives, breathing issues, and irritable bowel syndrome.


In a saucepan, mix all the ingredients, and heat up the mixture for 5 minutes. That’s all!

You can drink it right away!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Place a Clothespin on Your Ear For 20 Seconds. The Results Will Surprise You

The famous reflexologist Helen Chin Lui maintains that “Each ear contains a complete reflex map of the body, rich with nerve endings and multiple connectors to the central nervous system.”

She speaks about one unusual way people can boost their health, treat various issues, and experience relief soon. Namely, the technique involves placing clothespins on different areas on the ears.

The ears have 6 spots which are related to different body organs and regions. Therefore, by stimulating these spots, you can solve various health issues.

Here are the details:

The Upper Part Of The Ear
This ear part is related to the shoulders and back, so pressing it for a minute daily will reduce the built-up tension in the areas.

The Top Of the Ear’s Curve
This point is linked to the organs, and in the case of internal tenderness or discomfort, place a clothespin there to treat it.

The Upper-Middle Part of the Ear
It is related to the joints, so when pressed, it soothes the pain and stiffness in joints.

The Lower-Middle Part of the Ear
When pinched, this spot will relieve the sinusitis or the sore throat, treat congestion, and help you fall asleep easily.

Just Above the Earlobe
It is linked to the digestive system, so its stimulation will soothe stomach pain and boost digestion, and prevent such issues.

The Earlobe
This point is linked to the head and heart, so it can help you soothe headaches and migraine, and support heart health.

Saturday 9 December 2017

The Homemade Toothpaste That Whitens Teeth And Heals Cavities And Gum Disease

Yet, commercial toothpaste products are high in dangerous chemicals which endanger the health and can be quite expensive. On the other hand, there is an extremely effective natural toothpaste you can prepare and get a white and healthy smile!

Its main ingredient is neem, a tree that originally grows in tropical areas and has been used as a substitute for toothbrushes in developing countries for centuries.

You can break it down into twigs, and chew them to support oral health, fight gum diseases, and cavities.

This toothpaste does not contain fluoride, and has powerful antibacterial ingredients instead, including baking soda, coconut oil, and xylitol.

This is how to prepare it:


1 tablespoon neem powder
3 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
3 tablespoons baking soda


You should mix all the ingredients in a suitable container. Then, store the paste in a small jar and keep it at a room temperature as it can harden due to the coconut oil. If you want a better taste you can add one tablespoon xylitol.

The benefits of this natural product are countless, and its use will make your teeth white, and healthy, and you no longer need to worry but the potential adverse effects of chemicals!

Innovative Method to Get Rid of Gray Hair Without Dying

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