Saturday 29 July 2017

Peppermint Tea For Weight Loss – Health Benefits

Peppermint Tea For Weight Loss – Health Benefits 

Bored of drinking green tea or black tea to lose weight? Want to try something different and refreshing? Try peppermint tea. This aromatic beverage can beat a fancy cappuccino or packaged fruit juice that contain a truckload of calories, any day. Is peppermint tea good for weight loss? Peppermint tea is not only low in calories, but it also helps to suppress appetite, improve digestion, and reduce stress. And the best part is it has no side effects. So, let’s get started and know all about peppermint tea and weight loss.

1. Suppresses Appetite

Peppermint has a strong scent, which has been documented to reduce appetite and suppress craving. This is why people who chew on peppermint sticks or pellets all day eat little. If you have a sweet tooth, consider switching to a cup of peppermint tea to lose weight in a healthy manner 

2. Supports Digestion

Many scientific studies have recorded that peppermint tea helps settle the gastrointestinal tract and promotes healthy bowel movement. The tea has been known to ease constipation and improve digestion.

3. Relieves Stress

NASA researchers have determined that stress can be reduced by the scent of peppermint. According to the study, subjects who smelled peppermint were able to decrease their anxiety and fatigue levels by 20% and frustration levels by 25%. When you are losing weight, the levels of cortisol increase and can cause stress, which leads to improper digestion. Peppermint tea, with its soothing aroma and calming effect, can help you relax and fight stress

4. Burns More Calories

To lose weight you must burn calories If the number of calories you burn is more than the number of calories you ingest, you lose weight. Peppermint tea contains trace amounts of caffeine and catechins. These chemicals increase the temperature and, in turn, speed up metabolism. This property helps peppermint tea aficionados stay in shape and be healthier than others.

5. Improves Workouts

The anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor, and anti-spasmodic qualities of peppermint make it a keen subject for many exercise endurance studies. Exercise is critical for people who wish to lose weight. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition conducted a study, which concluded that peppermint oil might have facilitated enhanced air ventilation and an increase in brain oxygen concentration, without the irritating effects of lactate build-up. Most of these effects can help you increase strength and endurance

6. Beats Bloating

Peppermint can prevent bloating; it also helps treat other conditions of the stomach. It relaxes your abdominal muscles and increases the flow of bile, in turn improving fat digestion. Peppermint relaxes the gastrointestinal tract and helps ease flatulence. It has been used to treat IBS symptoms, including belly pain, flatulence, diarrhea, and bloating.

Indigestion has been known to cause fatigue or discomfort sometimes. Improving your digestive health can help you burn calories as you go about your daily activities 

7. Regulates Cholesterol And Blood Pressure Levels

According to a study, the antioxidants present in peppermint leaves help lower cholesterol levels and decrease toxicity. The leaves also provide sustenance to digestion and intestinal health, and help lower or control cholesterol levels. Thus, peppermint tea aids weight loss and helps maintain intestinal health when you are on a diet 

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